Part 35: Errand boy
Part XXXV: Errand boy
Time to go to Al-Akia.

Meru stays behind this time.

Oh, right, House Aurelian doesn't want House Crassus nosing around old ruins. I forgot about that. Maybe we can talk our way out of this.

God damn, I am one smooth talker.

Yep, we don't get to go inside Al-Akia this time. Sad!


Meru must be desperate if he's making a deal with the likes of Paullus.

We should speak with Athanasius.

Talking to Varro is only necessary if you want to help Athanasius, which I'm not going to do for reasons that will become clear shortly.

Strabos is keeping an eye on us.

We're at Caer-Tor, the headquarters of the Imperial Guards.

Dux Paullus is, naturally, sitting in a giant office surrounded by sentries.

Oh, joy.

Oof. Paullus definitely isn't a brainless thug.

If you can't convince Paullus or you don't like the deal he offers, you can go to Teron and convince Antidas to join the Aurelians. Except Antidas doesn't want to do that, so you have to talk to Linos, since he's really in charge of the sellsword army. Except Linos gets cold feet unless Mercado agrees to help, so you have to talk to Mercado. It's a big pain in the ass and I'd prefer get this over ASAP.

We're more or less a hostage. Whee.


Fuck you.

If you convince Varro to kill Faelan and get Antidas to take Ganezzar, Athanasius is put in charge instead.

Gee, thanks.

And that, for all intents and purposes, is the end of the merchant playthrough.
Next time: Return of the stab